When I got into Wisconsin, it was time to get the oil changed for my Highlander, which I affectionately call Higher Love. As I was driving on Interstate 90, I saw a Walmart near my exit and thought I could get the oil changed there. When I turned the corner toward the hotel, there on the right, within walking distance of the hotel, was a place to get the oil changed. Sweet. Even sweeter was the grocery store and the Panera Bread Company across the street. I love Panera's salads and coffee. I was good to go! What a welcome site after driving all day, which included rush hour traffic in Chicago.
I had never been to South Dakota so of course I wanted to see Mt. Rushmore. A good friend of mine who also knows the road life all to well, put me in touch with a friend of his in Rapid City. She was delighted to open her home to me and even gave up her bed for the night. Cool. I dropped off my things and headed for Mt. Rushmore. Just as I entered the visitor's center that faces the monument, the friend who connected me with my host for the night called. He asked, "Where are you?" I said "I am looking at Mt. Rushmore as we speak." He said, "How interesting to call you right at this moment so my energy can connect with it since I never stopped there." We laughed and talked about the significance of these four great leaders of freedom and our connection to the energy of freedom.
After I enjoyed viewing the information movie and pondered the monument one last time, I left thinking I would head up the Black Hills. Something made me stop and head back to Keystone. It was a warm day and I knew I need more ice for my cooler. I pulled into the first shopping plaza and saw a shop sign "On Eagle's Wings" gift shop. Eagle is one of my totems and I recently thought about using that name for one of my ventures. As I was speaking to the owner of the shop, a police car and ambulance drove by. There were motorcycles galore since it was the week of the Sturgis motorcycle rally. The shop owner said it must be another accident. He added that someone was killed in an accident the day before. I thought about my decision not to go up the mountain and was grateful I paid attention to my intuition. I asked the gentleman if he knew where I could get some ice. He asked how much I needed and I told him I have a small bag in the car that I would like to fill. It happened that he also ran the coffee shop next door and gladly filled my bag full of ice, no charge. Ask and you shall receive. Okay, I would like to do laundry so I asked for a laundromat. Just less than a mile down the road was a clean laundromat where I could purchase detergent and get change. Yeah!
One of my favorite drives on the trip was the drive to north gate of Yellowstone. The road follows the Yellowstone river, which is the longest free-flowing river in the US. As soon as I could pull off and get to the river, I did. I wanted to put my hands and feet in the river that symbolizes being in the flow. I continued driving toward the hotel, which was just outside the gate. I pulled into the hotel, checked in, and unloaded the car. As I made my way to my room, a storm hit. The wind was bending the trees and the rain was coming down in side-ways sheets. Perfect timing.
The next day I drove into the park to see Old Faithful. I stopped at Mammoth Hot Springs and a couple of other pull-offs along the way. It happened that the same day I was in the park, two fugitives were seen in the park and were armed and dangerous. As I wanted to continue on and not spend another night there, I decided to go to Old Faithful and turn around and head back. I pulled into the large parking lot for Old Faithful and stopped at the rest room before heading to the geyser. Just as I made my way in between people to view Old Faithful, it went off! Perfect timing! It usually takes about an hour or so before it goes off again but I didn't have to wait!
While in Washington, I stayed about 25 miles from downtown Seattle. Before I arrived at the hotel, I had the thought that there should be a Trader Joes in town. I went out in search of Chinese food and ended up heading back toward the hotel. On the left I noticed a plaza and there on the sign was Trader Joes! Just next door to Trader Joes was an excellent Chinese restaurant. Think it and it appears!
After my activation in the pyramid, I went back to the hotel. I had no feeling of where to go the next day. I had messaged a friend on Facebook who I met in Sedona. She lived in Dunsmuir and I thought she was moving to Ashland. She answered my email and was indeed in Ashland. We spoke over the phone and I headed back to Ashland the next morning. Before we met, I saw a room for rent on the board at the Co-op. Ashland is a college town and the landlady usually rents her rooms to students for six months but the students would not be arriving for a couple of weeks. On my way to the house, I thought of asking to rent the room for two weeks. She was in agreement with that and I had a place to land while the next thing showed up.
I met with my friend who told me a mutual friend also lives in Ashland. We met at the park and had fun reconnecting and realizing we have similar interests. After checking out numerous apartments, my friend told me her mom is renting her house on the Oregon coast. Her tenant just happens to be moving out this weekend, when my two weeks are up. The house sounds like a perfect retreat. More magic!
I was in Medford today doing some shopping. I was feeling it is time to get my haircut but being new to the area, I wasn't sure where to go. After I finished my lunch, I was going to go to a styling salon I saw as I was pulling into the plaza. As I was leaving, I could not turn left to head towards the budget styling salon. So I decided to head toward the mall. It was my first trip to the Rogue River Mall. I pulled in and headed toward the right which was near Penney's. I said this is where I will park. I got out of the car and headed toward the door. It was the door to the salon! I guess this is where I will get my hair cut!
When you follow your heart, remain in the moment, commit to being in the flow of your creation, and pay attention, magic happens. Ask and trust the answer will show up.
The beach house is on Gold Beach...I wonder what magic my heart has in store for me there!