Monday, June 15, 2009

Equal and Opposite Reaction

Dear Friends of the Light,

I know many of us are weary and ask how much longer can we endure more of the same. We have listened to our inner knowing, our God Self, and faithfully carried out the orders from mission control. Sometimes these directives meant leaving home, family, friends, possessions, and professions. We made friends instead with the dark nights of the soul. Most importantly, we opened our hearts - the master key that opens all doors.

Many of us are now remembering who we truly are. This is necessary in order for us to stand fully in our power. For true power comes from living the truth of who you are. Before the pendulum can swing back the other way so we can find our new balance point, we must be able to stand in our power.

We hold the light, not through doing, but being who we are. We hold it by speaking our truth, by assisting others to remember who they are, by being in our joy amidst the chaos, by being the beacon for others to find their way.

We held space for humanity and the planet long enough that the energy now must return to us. It is how energy works. Think of it like a tsunami. Because of this great disruption in energy, the tide flows farther out to sea than it normally does. For so long, much our of personal world has evaporated - money, home, possessions, etc., that we think it will not return. Everything seems eerily quiet and at a standstill, just like it does after the tide goes out in a tsunami. The energy that caused the tide to go out to sea must come back into balance. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Now the wave comes back with more force than normal. Prepare for the wave of opposite energy to come back. Do not be surprised at the speed and enormity of what is about to enter our lives. Look at it and remember the energy we expended to be where we are and to remember who we are. We will not be surprised for we will remember the way of the universe and instead, we are grateful.

In my book, In the Key of Life, An Activational Journey to the Soul, the writing for "Sight" begins

The blessings of those chosen to bring forth the light are here now. They fall upon those who hear the words of truth. Riches pour forth now. All are bathed in the light of compassion. It is happening before your eyes.

The tide is turning and our rewards are great. We lifted our frequencies high enough to affect change in the world. We excelled in our mission. Each of us will be called up on stage to receive our reward.

I am so grateful to each of you for the marvelous work you have done. Because of you and your love, we will all live in a much brighter world. And so it is.

Many blessings my friends!

Joan Cerio - Keeper of the Keys to a Masterful Life
Life Lines - Publishing high vibrational words that serve as "lifelines" for self-transformation.

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