I knew the recent new moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius would be powerful for me since I am an Aquarian. It wasn't until I looked back at what happened around this time that the full meaning of the eclipse came into focus.
As most of you know, I have been traveling across the country for the last five months. It is most interesting, then, to note that I spent the eclipse in Corpus Christi, Texas. If you have been reading my blogs, you also know about the importance of names. Also, the lunar eclipse occurred around the time of Ash Wednesday, the first day of lent for Catholics. Lent is a time of going inward to prepare for the death of one body, Corpus Christi, and resurrection on Easter Sunday. Of course I am also referring to myself and all of us, going through the "death" of our former selves and then soon to be resurrected into our new selves. We are heading into the thick of things as the shifting energies start to come to a head. This may prove to be the year of greatest change through this monumental cycle of change.
My higher self decided that my body would facilitate the process of change by releasing much of the old through having the flu. After four days of fever, my body literally burned off the dross of my old self. I could feel the "death" of the old come up each time I coughed. It was as if the deep cleaning finally reached the sub-basement.
I feel like I am being polished like fine silver in preparation for a feast the likes of which I have never seen. The table is set. Name tags are prepared for each place setting. I can't see the names, I just know that people I have yet to meet along with old friends have been invited. Fine linen lines the table. An abundance of food and wine are lovingly placed on the table. Music that makes my heart sing is playing in the background. I can even smell the delectable food - it is that close. My feast, my banquet awaits.
I have waited so long to feast upon MY life. My turn at my wheel of fortune is only months away. This preparation time creates space for all that is coming. So many of us have worked so hard for so long. Now, we are all just months (if that) away from living in our abundance and joy. Our passion and purpose are about to burst open!
Do as the song from the musical, Godspell says: "Prepare ye, the way of the Lord!" Prepare to feast on your life, ye gods and goddesses!
Joan Cerio - Keeper of the Keys to a Masterful Life
Life Lines - Publishing high vibrational words that serve as "lifelines" for self-transformation.