As we reflect on all the blessings, sorrows, pain, and joy that 2017 brought us, it's hard not to take a sigh of relief that it's almost over. The world has seen historical natural disasters, societal tensions and riots, changes in governments and their leaders, the degradation of our natural resources, and the threat of nuclear war in just twelve short months. I, for one, am happy to bid 2017 good-bye.
Saturn is a planet that likes to hold your feet to the fire to be sure that the grandest version of yourself is manifest in the world. It moves into Capricorn next week. Capricorn is an Earth sign and Saturn wants us to make our dreams a physical reality. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 literally unearthing what we individually and collectively have kept hidden. Uranus, the planet of sudden change, will move into Taurus (another Earth sign) in May of 2018. Our physical reality is about to change but Taurus will slow the pace a bit. Baby steps and going with the flow work best with this energy. What does all of this mean?
With so many slow planets in Earth signs, it's clear that it's time to ground our dreams and physically carry out our life's work - the reason we came to Earth at this crucial time. Saturn in Capricorn is here to help and Uranus in Taurus is here to insure that we build our new life slowly and steadily. These planets and their placements remind us that we are Earthlings in addition to spiritual beings.
Now is a good time to prepare your soil so that you can lay down roots in 2018. Meditate on what your heart beckons you to do. Give thanks for all of the lessons and blessings that you received in 2017. Do a ceremony to release the past five years of limbo land for it is finally time to land!
May you manifest your heart's deepest desires and ground your life's work in 2018.
Thank you for all of your support and Happy Holidays!
I asked myself this morning how I would define success in life. My definition came without hesitation: How well do I follow my heart? Then I reviewed my life to see how successful I have been.
Even as a child, I always wanted to do something with my life that would help people. My natural love of science and my innate curiosity with the heart led me to pursue a career as a cardiologist. I worked as an electrocardiograph technician in college. One day I overheard a bunch of interns in the hallway talking about the patients in not so nice terms. In that moment, I decided that was not the career I wanted. My career is about the heart and I found no heart in anything they had said that day. Even though it was an "isolated incident," it is still blazoned in my memory. Because of that experience and the loss of both of my parents shortly after, what I thought was my heart's desire was about to change.
I went from job to job for a while not knowing where my heart was taking me. I taught high school biology for a time, then I entered the Army Reserve and became a medical laboratory technician, and then began a career as an industrial hygienist for OSHA. This showed me that the only thing that will really change "the working conditions" of America is a change in consciousness, not a change in laws. I left and began a career as an alternative health practitioner. I became a massage therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, and Integrative Energy Therapy Practitioner and taught massage and Reiki. My interest in spirituality blossomed and it became my passion.
Even in love, I followed my heart instead of the norm. I had been attracted to women and thought that I would find my partner in the military. My heart led me to her within two years of enlisting. I thought what my heart wanted at the time was the "American Dream" but my heart wanted more. After 14 years, I left my partner and the home that we had built together for what I thought was another relationship when it was just the Universe's way of helping me to leave. Within a year, I left everything and everyone I loved to move to Sedona and follow my heart's passion.
I immersed myself in the metaphysical and learned and cleared much. I wrote my first book, In the Key of Life: An Activational Journey to the Soul and did much of the research for my second book, Hardwired to Heaven: Download Your Divinity Through Your Heart and Create Your Deepest Desires while in Sedona.
I traveled across the U.S. ten times. My last trip to the Pacific Northwest was the most magical because I truly followed my heart. What I felt, I created. I manifested a beautiful house in Gold Beach on the Oregon Coast where I wrote the chapter on Blood and Water for Hardwired to Heaven while overlooking the Pacific Ocean each day. The trip took me back to Sedona to see that this time of intense learning and traveling was coming to an end. I returned to New York and lived with my sister. My days of traveling and searching had depleted much of my resources.
I've spent the last six years reliving and clearing old patterns. Who hasn't?! Hardwired to Heaven and my third book, Into the Heart of Love: Decoding Love's Hidden Power, were published during this time. Everything I did to get Hardwired to Heaven out there seemed to evaporate. I was judged by my family for not getting a "real job." I entered the dark night of the soul and at one point wanted to end it all, thinking that I was a failure and there was no reason to stay if I was not able to do my work.
I looked back on my life today and saw that even when it was not "normal" to leave a good paying career, to have a same sex partner, to leave home without knowing where I would live or how I would support myself, to write books that many people did not yet understand, and through the enormous intensity of this ascension roller-coaster, I still and always, followed my heart. How could I not? An astrologer told me that I came to heal the heart and now I see that my life has always been all about the heart.
What we gather materially in this life does not matter to the soul. What matters is how well we follow our hearts in service of the One Heart.
"Your soul's treasure chest is buried within the sacred coordinate in your heart. There you will find the riches of the Universe." ~ Hardwired to Heaven.