Monday, June 11, 2018

This Summer's Roller Coaster Ride

It has been one wild year so far. I said May was going to be magical and momentous! I think I failed to mention it was also going to be momentously challenging. May was by far the hardest month I have experienced in a long time. While the changes I experienced were very positive, the emotional roller coaster I rode was everything a roller coaster can be: exhilarating, fast, scary, nauseating, and happy to have survived it! This ride took me to the depths of love and opened my heart in ways I never thought possible and the "good" news is - it's not over yet!

We have got some of the most potent ascension energy coming this summer. But before I go into that, let me just set the stage for this dramatic shift we are about to experience.

In the merry month of May, Uranus, the planet of cosmic consciousness, entered the earth sign of Taurus. There has been much written about this dynamic transit. For me, the highest vibration of Uranus in Taurus is bringing Heaven to Earth. It forces us to finally embody all of the higher teachings we have so diligently studied for years, or should I say, lifetimes! As I wrote in Hardwired to Heaven, "A true creator creates with one hand in Earth and the other in Heaven." To live as the gods that we are, we must embody our divinity into every cell of our bodies. This is the ultimate gift of Uranus in Taurus.

There will be five energy gateways this summer: the summer solstice on June 21, a partial solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12, a total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27, the Lion's Gate on 8/8, and another partial solar eclipse in Leo on August 11. First, let me say that it is rare to have three eclipses in row. Generally, we have a lunar and solar eclipse within two weeks of one another. This makes these three eclipses that much more meaningful. Next, there are five major gateways. Five is the number of the human being. Pythagoras viewed the number 5 as the marriage between Heaven and Earth - the Hieros Gamos, the sacred union with the Divine on a personal level, relationship level, and the greater whole of humanity. We are entering the energetic pentagram of divine embodiment.

The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, reminds us that life on Earth is dependent on the sun. We need light and the consciousness it brings in order to thrive on planet Earth. The first eclipse is in the emotional sign of Cancer. Here we prepare our soil by feeding it our emotions until we reach emotional maturity. The total lunar eclipse in Aquarius will help us to tend to our mind and bring it into balance and cleanse our high heart so that we embody the love of humanity. The Lion's Gate brings in new light codes to enable the embodiment of our Divine Sovereignty. The third solar eclipse in Leo requires that we love ourselves fiercely and bring the heart into balance. All of this energetic divine grace helps us to truly balance the mind and heart and embody our Divinity.

During these potent gateways, many of the planets will be retrograde. Jupiter has been retrograde since March 8 and will go direct on July 10, giving us some breathing space. Saturn has been retrograde since April 17 and will move forward on September 6. Pluto went retrograde a few days after Saturn on April 22 and will appear to move again on September 30. Neptune goes retrograde on June 18 until November 24. Mars goes retrograde June 26 until August 27. Mercury goes retrograde July 26 until August 18. And finally, Uranus goes retrograde on August 7 for the remainder of the year until January 6, 2019. Wow, that's a lot of retrograde! Retrograde planets offer an opportunity to go within and sift through our compost pile of the past to rid ourselves of what no longer serves while tending the soil of our greatest treasures. It is not a time to move full steam ahead, rather it is a time to go within - to go into the physical and mine our Divinity. Before we can emerge this fall, we have heart and soul work to do.

Just as a roller coaster ascends to gain potential energy, we, too, will ascend this summer and reach the apex of our ascension when we balance our hearts and minds, master our emotions, experience true self love, and embody our Divine selves. What a ride!